Cerebellar Modulation of VTA File Tree

Data shared here constitutes a portion of our entire dataset included in the paper “Cerebellar Modulation of the Reward Circuitry, and Social and Addictive Behavior which we believe is sufficient to allow the reader to ascertain that the main conclusions drawn are valid.

We have organized the raw data into universally accepted formats for rapid and easy reproducibility. Behavior data is provided as Microsoft Excel files, while the electrophysiology data is archived in Matlab (.mat) structures. Relevant acquisition parameters (sampling rate) and experimental conditions are noted within the structures.

In vivo data is organized such that each experiment is a separate file. Raw traces included in the in vivo dataset were acquired wideband (~1Hz to 5 kHz) at 20 kHz. Spike times were isolated from filtered traces (>300 Hz, highpass) in Offline Sorter (Plexon), and are provided within each structure.

The in vitro data is archived as a single file. Every iteration of the structure is a separate neuron, and individual sweeps (10 kHz sampling rate) are included in arrays. Units are in nA, traces are baseline-subtracted to zero, with the holding currents noted in a separate field in the associated structure.

We have also included our Matlab code for closed loop stimulation (for optogenetic activation/inhibition) based on position of the test mouse in the behavioral field. Relevant information is included in the header of the script. In brief, a USB camera, Matlab’s data acquisition toolbox, a National Instruments I/O device, and relevant drivers were used for data acquisition. This setup was designed to work optimally with an analog-controlled light source. Communication with the USB camera used a Windows operating system using Windows drivers.

For the sake of space and brevity, we have provided the a small subset of the raw data which we feel is sufficient support the conclusions drawn. The remainder of the raw data can be made available upon written request to the senior author.